
All notable release changes to the iOS SDK are documented on this page.

Version 3.3.1-betaBeta - Jun 06, 2024

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue causing the SDK to crash during frequent network switches while running in the background.

Version 3.3.0-betaBeta - Apr 18, 2024


  • Introduced a new method, isUserRegistered(), to help identify if the SDK is registered.

Version 3.2.0-betaBeta - Jan 03, 2024


  • Alert users when attempting to speak while in a muted state.

Version 3.1.6-betaBeta - Sep 06, 2023


  • Removed the internal audio level parameter, resulting in robotic audio on iOS devices.

Version 3.1.5-betaBeta - Jul 26, 2023


  • New event “onIncomingCallConnected” triggered when the incoming call has been answered and successfully connected.
  • Implemented additional checks to verify DTMF digit tranmission and enhanced the logging system to report DTMF failure cases.

Version 3.1.4-betaBeta - Jul 7, 2023


  • Added support for sending audio toggle events to Call Insights and Media Metrics.

Version 3.1.3-betaBeta - Jun 16, 2023

Bug fixes

Resolved the audio delay in outgoing calls, which was causing audio transmission to exceed 3 seconds upon call answer.

Version 3.1.2-betaBeta - Jun 14, 2023

Bug fixes

  • Fixed Get endpoint response to return ‘false’ after user logout.
  • Changed to ensure that only 1 TCP connection is used during the session and re-registration.

Version 3.1.1-betaBeta - Apr 27, 2023

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue that led to the increase in SDK file size

Version 3.1.0-betaBeta - Apr 21, 2023


  • Implemented functionality to send toggle mute/unmute and toggle hold/unhold events to call-insights whenever these actions are performed by the user.
  • Ice candidates will now be gathered once the user answers an incoming call.
  • Added Plivo STUN servers.
  • Migrated WebRTC sdpSemantics from PlanB to Unified Plan.
  • Reduced the size of the iOS WebRTC SDK by 0.9 MB (version1.1.6-beta).
    Note: This WebRTC SDK version is exclusively compatible with iOS SDK version 3.1.0-beta and newer. For earlier versions of the iOS SDK, please utilize Framework version 1.1.5-beta or a lower version.

Version 3.0.3-betaBeta - Apr 19, 2023


  • Eliminated the capability to retrieve the current SDK version from the CFShortBundleVersionString, as it was leading to errors in TestFlight and App Store builds.
  • Substituted PjSIP library with WebRTC to enhance performance and call quality.

Version 2.1.17 - Jul 27, 2020


  • Improvements in handling network changes during the idle state.

Version 2.1.16 - Mar 12, 2020

New Feature:

Version 2.1.15 - Feb 19, 2020

New Features and Enhancements:

  • Audio transmission using Opus codec for improved audio quality even under poor network conditions.

Version 2.1.14 - Jan 14, 2020

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed incoming call without push notifications

Version 2.1.13 - Jan 10, 2020

New Feature:

  • Bitcode support for iOS SDK


  • Sending Feedback to Call Insights.

Version 2.1.12 - Dec 12, 2019

iOS 13 and Xcode 11 support

  • Added support for the new PushKit push notification policy for iOS 13 and Xcode 11. Please follow the migration guide to upgrade.
Note: It fixes the breaking change for Incoming calls using push notification on iOS 13 and Xcode 11.

Version 2.1.11 - Nov 25, 2019

New Feature:

  • SRTP support for iOS SDK

Version 2.1.10 - Oct 01, 2019

New Feature:

Version 2.1.9 - Sep 04, 2019

New Feature:

  • RTP stats support for Call Insights
    • Call-stats events will be sent to call insights for troubleshooting call quality issues.

Version 2.1.8 - Aug 20, 2019

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed memory allocation issue concerning delegates.

Version 2.1.7 - Aug 08, 2019

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed socket framework issues.

Version 2.1.6 - Aug 07, 2019

Bug fixes:

  • App crash fixed by disabling assertion in PJSIP which was caused by iOS SDK version 12.2

Version 2.1.5 - Jul 24, 2019

New Feature:

  • Basic Call-Insights support for iOS SDK.
    • Support stats for Call-Answered and Call-Summary events.
  • Feedback function for customers to report call quality issues and send call-related SDK logs to Plivo.

Version 2.1.4 - Jun 26, 2019

New Feature:

Manage multiple iOS Push credentials from a single Plivo account

  • To enable Incoming calls, the New Login method to register Plivo Endpoint with a certificate ID.

Version 2.1.3 - Apr 15, 2019

  • Added login methods with registration timeout and device token.
  • Removed white spaces from SIP URI.

Version 2.1.2 - Feb 07, 2019

  • Fixed the version

Version 2.1.1 - Feb 07, 2019

  • Fixed 180 ringing issue.
  • Added PJSIP 2.7.2
  • Fixed Cancel issue in PJSIP 2.7.2 by adding the patch.
  • Fixed onLoginFailed function not being called when a login fails.

Version 2.1.0 - Jan 16, 2019

  • Improvement in Call switching.
  • Improved handling of network transitions
  • Enhancement in Hold and Unhold
  • Better error handling
  • Detailed logging for better debugging

Version 1.0 - 2017

  • PushKit and CallKit functionality. Using Callkit allows the app to use the native incoming call screen in both the locked and unlocked states.
  • Start calls from the native Phone app’s Contacts, Favorites, and Recent screens.
  • Interplay with other calls in the system.

Version 0.6 - Jul 19, 2016

  • Bugfix: loss of audio during the interruption. Added functions hold and unhold to PlivoIncoming and PlivoOutgoing.
  • Rename AFNetworking classes to avoid duplicate symbols

Version 0.5 - Apr 07, 2015

  • Rename Reachability classes to avoid duplicate symbols
  • Support for these architectures: armv7, armv7s, arm64, i386, x86_64

Version 0.4 - Feb 16, 2015

  • Hard reset of endpoints
  • Improved support for PlivoEndpoint delegates
  • Fixed crash on calling login() multiple times
  • Disabled default debug logging
  • Bugfix: onLogout delegate not being called when the endpoint logs out

Version 0.3 - Oct 26, 2013

  • Get SIP Call-ID
  • Enhancement: Build SIP URI if the user only supply digit as call destination
  • Bugfix: hangup invalid call causing the app to crash
  • Bugfix: onOutgoingCallInvalid delegate causing the app to crash
  • Bugfix: delegate/notification creating new call object. We should use the existing call object

Version 0.2 - Oct 09, 2013

  • Receive incoming custom SIP headers