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The Hangup element

You can use the Hangup element to end a call if you don’t want to answer an incoming call on your Plivo number. The application attached to the Plivo number must return the Hangup XML element along with a reason attribute to end the call.


The Hangup element supports these attributes. You can modify the behavior of each attribute using the allowed values.

reason string

Specifies the reason for the hangup.

Allowed values: rejected, busy

schedule integer

Used to schedule a call hangup. Should be followed by an element such as Speak; if not, the call will be hung up immediately.

Allowed values: integer > 0 (in seconds)

  • When the Hangup XML element is the first element in an Answer XML element, the call is hung up with reason rejected by default if the reason attribute is not specified.
  • When Hangup XML is not the first element or if the call is already answered, the call is hung up with reason Normal Hangup if the reason attribute is not specified.